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Raising Your Search Engine Rank

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One of the most significant traffic sources your website can ever get is that from search engines. Although the traffic may not be astonishing right off the back, with a little work that can advance radically and at no charge. Also, it is a proven fact that search engine traffic leads to sales more so than any other form of advertising. So how can you raise your search engine rank? There are a few easy steps to do so:
Choose a strong yet not to competitive keyword Many webmasters fail to understand the value of choosing the suitable keywords. In selecting yours, you want to make sure the market is not too overpowering. For instance, if you make a search on Google for "free files" you will see there are well over 300,000,000 results. With an aggressive market like this, getting a top search engine ranking is almost impossible. This is why you must plan out your keywords for a less popular but still probable path. Another common error is thinking by choosing some obscure keyword with only 100 results that it will be very easy to get the top ranking. However, what are the chances of a user actually searching for that obscure word. Make sure that a potential customer actually will be attempting to find that keyword.
Optimizing for your word(s) Perhaps one very important keyword optimization techniques is including your keywords within both your title and Meta tags. If you want a search engine to find your site as relevant as possible, it is very important that it be included in your title (towards the front), Meta description and Meta keyword list. However, the most vital location for the keyword placement is simply throughout your page. An optimum keyword density is about 1-5%, meaning, normally you want around 4% of all the words on your page to be your keyword. Any less and your "important" for that word will drop, any more and you may be dropped from engines due to spam. The weight of words also matters. For example, if your keyword is in an H1 tag near the top of your page, most spiders will weight that heavier than regular text as it essentially illustrates a title that the pages article is about. Also important are bolding and on some algorithms underline/italic. However, spiders may also consider the overuse of these techniques spam as well so be careful.
Keeping content fresh Lastly, it is extremely important that you keep your content up to date and fresh. The more often you change your content, the more search engines will feel you are offering good resources instead of old outdated information. Also, how often you change your content reflects how often spiders re-index your site and in turn add new keywords to their database for your website. Generally, although not a direct SEO technique, fresh content = the god of all SEO techniques. You can RSS feeds to get fresh content on a daily basic.

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